- 您点的是什么菜?What was your order?
- 再说一次您点的是什么?What was your order again?
- 好,您点的是一个吉士汉堡和一份鸡翅。多点儿调料。OK, so that's one cheeseburger and one order of chicken wings, extra spicy.
- 看起来真可口!我喜欢象这样把菜肴摆在桌子中央。桌子中间发出声响的是道什么菜?Miss Lewis: It all looks delicious! I love the way they've stacked the dishes in the middle of the table. What's the dish in the middle making all the noise?
- 可以,您可以用餐券付钱给客房服务部,但是如果您点的菜超过餐券的总值时,请付差额好吗?Yes,you may use amealvoucher for Room Service but if your order exceeds the value of the voucher,could you pay the difference,please?
- 在鱼和肉两道主菜之间, 你吃的是什么菜?What did you have as an entree?
- 我认为勃艮第红葡萄酒或波尔多红葡萄酒和您点的鸡肉会很相配。I think that a Red Burgundy or a Red Bordeaux would go very well with your chicken.
- 现在战绩领先联盟的是太阳队,你对这支球队的看法是什么?Ph?nix is leading the league. What are you thoughts about this team ?
- 我认为,勃艮第红葡萄酒或波尔多红葡萄酒和您点的鸡肉会很相配。I think that a Red Burgundy or a Red Bordeaux would go very well with your chicken.
- 面向方面编程(AOP)技术是目前较好的分离关注点的编程范式。AOP technology is a good programming model for separating concerns now.
- 您吐出的是什么?What did you bring up?
- 这是菜单,请先看看菜单,决定点什么菜,我去安排一个服务员过来。Here's the menu. You may look at the menu first and decide what you like to have. I'm going to have one waitress to serve you.
- 您点的蛋要怎样煎?How would you like us to cook your eggs?
- 您打的是什么号?What number are you calling?
- 我点的是咖哩鲜虾,不是咖哩牛肉!I ordered a Shrimp Curry, not Beef Curry!
- 这是您点的冻火腿和鸡。This is the cold ham and chicken for you.
- 您点哪些菜呢?Anything special on the menu?
- 最后我问:“您认为您一生最难忘的是什么?最大的败笔是什么?”Finally I ventured to ask him:" What is the most memorable thing in your life and what do you regard as your biggest defeat?"
- 有什么特别要点的菜吗?Is there anything special you'd like to have on the menu?
- 本协议自您点击下面的“我接受”之日(“生效日期”)起生效。This Agreement will be effective as of the date you click the "I Accept" button below (the "Effective Date").