- 您用餐时坐在哪儿?Where were you sitting for your meal?
- 我们用餐时坐在一起。We were neighbours (ie sat side by side) at dinner.
- 我们用餐时坐在一起.We were neighbours (ie sat side by side) at dinner
- 时hour
- 希望您用餐还愉快。I hope you enjoyed your meal.
- 您愿意坐在哪儿都行.Sit wherever you like.
- 很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。I'm glad you enjoyed your med, Good bye.
- 坐to sit
- 我们不可能都成为英雄。总得有人在英雄们走过时坐在路边鼓掌。We can't all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and elap as they go by.
- 请慢用,祝您用餐满意。Please take your time and enjoy yourself.
- "理所当然我来驾驶,你可以坐在我后面。" "我决不坐在你后面。""I will drive of course. You may sit behind me." "In a pig's ear I may sit behind you."
- 在您用餐前,注射一支胰岛素。Give yourself an insulin shot before you eat.
- 我仔细地记下了我把包放在哪儿,这样回来时肯定能找到它。Where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.
- 希望您用餐愉快,请再度光临。I hope you enjoyed your meal.Please come again.
- 别坐在那儿犹豫了,你答应过陪我出去吃饭的,快去换衣服,我们走吧。Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go.
- 他有时乘火车来,有时坐汽车来。Sometimes he comes by train and sometimes by car.
- 请您用餐完毕后,将餐盘放在走廊上好吗?When you have finished, could you leave the tray in the hallway?
- 我在哪儿都找不到我的眼镜,但是我敢肯定在我离开书房时,我是将它放在书桌上的。I can't find my glasses anywhere and yet I could swear that I put them on the desk when I left the study.
- 受伤的左前锋只好退出比赛,在剩下的时间里坐在一旁。The injured left forward was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.
- 当我们用餐时,适量的购买食物,如果吃不完,请打包带走。When we have dinner in campus, buy food we are able to eat clearly and take away the left food if we can't eat them all.