- 您知道您的尺寸吗?大号、中号、还是小号?Do you know what size you are?|Large,medium or small?
- 您知道您的属相吗?Do you know what your zodiac is?
- 我可以量一下您的尺寸吗Can I take your measurements?
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 我可以量一下您的尺寸吗?Can I take your measurements?
- 越多您扭动,越多您知道您也许是易被欺骗的对象为坏男孩。The more you squirm, the more you know that you might be a sitting duck for bad boys.
- 您知道您的独生子正在走邪道吗?Are you aware of your son's falling into evil way ?
- 你知道这个冰箱的尺寸吗?Do you know the size of this fridge?
- 我想,您知道您的右眼受伤了,所以。Now, I think you know that your right eye was hurt, and.
- 可以为您量一下尺寸吗?May I take your size?
- 俺要尽力给您干活儿,好让您知道俺没有忘记你的大德。I'm gwine do my bes' fo' you and show you I ain't forgettin'."
- 你知道自己的尺寸吗?Do you know your measurements(= the size of parts of your body)?
- 似乎有一个箱子太大了,您量过尺寸吗?It seems that one box is too big.Have you measured it?
- 我只想让您知道您一直都。Mother, I just want to let you know that you are always in my thoughts.
- 其他用户即使知道您的户口号码,如没有密码,将不能存取您的资料。Other users will not be able to access your information, even if they know your account number, without a password.
- 你知道那扇门的正确的尺寸吗?Do you know the exact measurements of the door?
- 入院前您知道您作为病人的权利?Were you informed of your rights as a patient before admission?
- 乙:我是赫尔夫人,我们上星期在晚会上见过面,我想知道您过的怎么样?B: This is Mrs. Hull. We met at a party last week and I just wanted to see how you're getting along.
- 列车员: 您知道,您的客票有效期只有A天。You know that the period of availability of your ticket is only A days.
- 我想知道您的意见如何?I wonder if that will be all right for you.