- 您要大票还是小票?Do you want large or small bill?
- 您要大票还是小票?Do you want large or small bill?
- 您要订头等舱的票还是二等舱的票?Do you want to book a first class ticket or second class one?
- 您要大号的还是小号的?Do you want the large size or the small size?
- 小票receipt
- 您要大盒的还是小盒的?Do you want a box of small quantity or large quantity?
- 大票(银行)note of large denomination
- 这个人在左右摇摆,他投民主党的票还是共和党的票得看哪个党对他更有益处。The man is neither fish nor fowl; he votes Democrat or Republican according to which will do him the most good.
- 只要出示销售单(小票)就可以换货。Goods can be exchanged only on production of the sale slip.
- 奶奶把这几张大票封好,准备当压岁钱给我们。Grandma sealed the 100 Yuan notes in envelopes to give to the children as New Year's gifts.
- 文具商:您要大的还是小的?Stationer:Do you want the large size,or the small size?
- 请您拿小票到收银台交款、并换取发票。Now please go to pay the cashier with your sales check, and exchange it for an invoice.
- 您要不要跟上次一样烫头发?Do you want a perm like you had last time?
- 动作幅度要大。The range of movement should be wide.
- 您要哪种洗发精?What shampoo do you prefer?
- 要头等还是二等票?First class or second class?
- 尤伯和她的同事也分析了火星上要大得多的北部极地冰冠。Zuber and her colleagues also analyzed Mars's much larger northern polar cap.
- 你的 sister 比你大还是小?Is your sister older or younger than you?
- 您要看黄金戒指还是白金戒指?May I show you gold rings or platinum ones?
- 您要烫发,还是做头发?What would you want, a perm or a set?