- 您要票吗?Do you want tickets?
- 您要订张票吗?Do you need a ticket?
- 吗morphine
- 要求见经理; 要票; 询问酒吧地点.ask for the manager, the tickets, the bar
- 要求见经理;要票;询问酒吧地点Ask for the manager, the tickets, the bar
- 售票员: 您要非吸烟车厢的票吗?Do you want a non-smoker?
- 在车前部,但是很少有人要票,没必要了。You can get one at the front if you like,but very few people get tickets.There's no need.
- 您要吗?Do you want them?
- 您要些润发膏吗?Do you like some hair pomade?
- 您要买化妆品吗?Do you need anything in the cosmetics line?
- 您要大票还是小票?Do you want large or small bill?
- 您要珠宝首饰吗?Would you like jewellery?
- 您要用哪一种秒票付款?Which denomination of bill will you be paying with?
- 您要订购一些吗?Can you take any?
- 您要不要订这次航班的票?Would you like to book a ticket for flight?
- 您要存取什么吗?Would you like to deposit or withdraw something?
- 您要几张票?How many tickets do you need?
- 您要找别人说话吗?Is there anyone else you would like to talk to?
- 您要找谁个别谈吗?Is there anyone in particular you'd like to talk to?
- 楼厅第一排您要吗?Would you like the first row in the circle?