- 想买什么样的?What kind of bike do you want?
- 您想买什么样的?What kind will you like?
- 你想买什么样的茶?What exactly do you want to buy?
- 您想买什么样的喷发胶?What kind of hair spray did you have in mind?
- 买buy
- 不想indisposition
- 你想买什么样的花瓶?What sort of vase are you looking for?
- 他是我们常在报上看到的人物,但我们不知道他是什么样的人。He was somebody you read of every other day in the newspaper, yet we couldn't put a name to him.
- 我根本不想买戒指。但我不能掩饰这样的事实:其钻石之大给我留下了深刻印象。I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds.
- 我们买什么样的票?What kind of tickets are we going to get?
- 他们原来想买一所大房子,後来不得不降低要求买一所较小的。They had to lower their sights and buy a smaller house than they would have liked.
- 您要买什么样的锁?What kind of lock do you want to buy?
- 汽车价格的上涨使我们今年想买一辆新车的希望破灭了。The increase in the price of cars has knocked our hopes for a new one this year on the head.
- 好的,你们打算买什么样的房子?OK. What. What kind of house did you have in mind?
- 他想买一块空地造房子。He is looking for an empty lot on which to build his house.
- 意思是你要买什么样的配置清单?What kind of specification do you want to buy?
- 我想买一台空调。I want to buy a set of air conditioning.
- 我想买辆新车。I am in the market for a new car.
- 好的,你们打算买什么样的房子?OK. What ... what kind of house did you have in mind?
- 我们一心想买幢大一点的房子。We have set our sights on a bigger house.