- 蠢笨如驴As stupid as a donkey
- 其笨如驴stupid as a donkey
- 其犟如驴stubborn as a donkey donkey
- 固执如驴be as stubborn as mules
- 力畜,役畜,牲口(如驴).Beast of burden animal, such as a donkey, used for carrying heavy loads on its back
- 愚笨stupid
- 正如be just like
- 愚笨的brainless
- 如有if any
- 如是so
- 天宫图上的动物没有一种被认为是愚笨的或丑陋的或邪恶的。No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.
- 如花flowery
- 贪恋情人身壮精足,如驴如马。There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
- 如上ibidem
- 他们把一匹马同一匹驴交配。They mated a horse with a donkey.
- 如来Buddha
- 卸磨杀驴dismiss a person as soon as his job is done
- 如图所示be shown as in the figure
- 驴和马交配生出的杂种叫骡子。The hybrid from a donkey and a horse is called a mule.
- 心如刀割grief-stricken