- 我与Bill York会面了。I met with Bill York.
- 今天我跟Bill York会面了。I met with Bill York today.
- 我与Bill Levine 约好的中饭时间是几点?What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine?
- 昨天我与一位朋友争论政治问题-他争论得很高明,我输给他了。I had an argument about politics yesterday with a friend-he argued very cleverly, and I got a bloody nose.
- 这两个对手终于决定讲和,在朋友举行的晚宴上会面了。The two opponents decided at last to sheathe the sword and met at a dinner given by their friend.
- 我与彼得互换了夹克以便穿着更合身。I swapped jackets with Peter to get a better fit.
- 迈克和我在那天上午8 点和他爸爸会面了。Michael and I met with his dad that morning at 8 o'clock.
- 我与他一致认为应该采取某种积极措施。I agreed with him that some active measure should be adopted.
- 在与顾问交流之前两人私下会面了大约45分钟。The two men met privately for about 45 minutes before joining advisers.
- 我与她比赛游过游泳池,同他较量游泳的能力。I measured my swimming ability with his by racing him across the pool.
- 现在看来,单凭他本人的勇敢和机智,已难以与他的爱人会面了。He could not now hope to meet his mistress with the proofs of his daring and skill on his person.
- 我与他一度同在一艘拖网船上工作。He and I were shipmates on a trawler once.
- 我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。I identified with the heroine of the novel.
- 现在看来,单凭他本人的勇敢和机智,已难以与他的爱人会面了。He could not now hope to meet his mistress with the proofs of his daring and skill on his person.
- 在这一点上,我与他的观点完全一致。I was in complete sympathy with him on this point.
- 我与上海一家公司有一个重要的商务谈判。I have an important business negotiation with a company in Shanghai.
- 在我与你联系之前,你得潜伏不动。You should hibernate before I contact with you.
- 我与我弟弟通电话时,突然线断了。I was talking to my brother on the telephone when suddenly the line went dead.
- 我与艾斯吉尔夫人的关系纯洁无瑕。My relations with Mrs Aisgill are as pure as the driven snow.
- 这次考试我通不过,我与你赌两分钱。I bet you two cents I will not pass the test .