- 我们下一步该怎么办?下一步是什么?What do we do next? What is the next step?
- 对付我那位误入歧途的表婶,下一步该怎么办,我心里雪亮。In the case of my misguided aunt, the form which pious perseverance was next to take revealed itself to me plainly enough.
- 下一next
- 我们下一步该怎么做,再清楚不过了。It was screamingly obvious what we should do next.
- 天呀! 我们下步该怎么办?Well! What shall we do next?
- 我们下一步怎么做?What's our next move?
- 我不太清楚下一步该怎么办。I don't quite know what to do next.
- 在我们下一次会议上,你就会听到新计划的情况。You just can hear the circumstance of new plan on our next meeting.
- 休息一会儿吧,想想一步该怎么办。Sit back for a minute and think about how to do next.
- 留意这块版面上我们下一次销售的广告。Watch this space for notice of our next sale.
- 她下一步打算怎么办?What will she think of next?
- 我们下一次进攻敌人的最佳时间是什么时候?When is the best time to launch our next attack against the enemy ?
- 你必须考虑下一步该做什么。You have to consider what to do next.
- 我们下一次见面时,我把答案告诉你。I'll tell you the answer when we meet next time.
- 她总是问自己,下一步该做什么。She always asks herself the question what is to be done next.
- 我们下一场比赛是在主场进行呢,还是在客场进行?Is our next match at home or away?
- 我不知道下一步该怎么办。I feel dubious about what to do next.
- 加油了,陈艾拉!期待我们下一次在新加坡的相遇!Add oil, Ella! I am waiting for our next meeting in Singapore!
- 我们的下一步尚未决定。Our next step is still in suspense.
- 决定你们下一步该怎么走。Think what your next move should be.