- “我们今晚出去吧”“好极了,8点钟见”"Let's go out tonight! ". "Fine and dandy; I'll see you at 8."
- 鉴于你的炉子坏了,我们今晚出去吃怎么样?Seeing as your stove is broken, how about dinner tonight?
- 我们今晚出去吗?Shall we go out tonight?
- 出to rise
- 我们今晚去看电影,你不一起去吗?We are going to the cinema tonight, why don't you come as well?
- 他随时都可以把车开出去吗?Can he take the car out whenever he likes?
- 我们今晚要去吃泰国菜。你要去吗?We are going out for Thai food tonight. Want to come?
- 我提议我们今晚出去吃饭I vote we eat out tonight.
- 我们今晚还要碰头吗?Are we to meet again tonight?
- 咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?Let's go out to have dinner, shall we?
- 我们今晚就此结束,明天继续讨论好吗?Shall we call it a night for now and continue our discussion tomorrow?
- 您要我把这份备忘录分发出去吗?Do you want me to send the memo out?
- 我们今晚在家吃饭好吗?Shall we dine in tonight?
- 你今天傍晚打算出去吗?Are you planning to go out this evening?
- 我们今晚去兜风吧。Let's go for a drive tonight.
- 我们今晚喝个烂醉好吗?Shall we get blind drunk?
- 你能把一大包书寄出去吗?Can you deliver a large package of books?
- "我们今晚去看电影吧。" "你说出了我的想法,我正在这么考虑。""Let's go to the cinema tonight." "You took the words right out of my mouth; I was thinking of that."
- 我们今晚去打保龄球吧。Let's go bowling tonight.
- 你今天想出去吗?Do you want to go out today?