- 我们可以听点别的吗?Can we listen to something else?
- 这样,我们可以收集到更多的声波,从而可以听得更清楚。In this way,we can collect more sound waves. So we can hear more clearly.
- 吗morphine
- 售货员:还要点别的吗,夫人?Shop assistant:Anything else, madam?
- 在留声机上放张唱片, 我们来听点音乐吧。Put a record on the phonograph and let's have some music.
- 教堂的钟声可以听得见。The sound of the church bell is in the hearing.
- 先生,我还要给您上点别的吗?Could I serve you anything else.sir?
- 晚上他们可以听喇叭里放的新闻和音乐。In the evening they can listen to news and music coming over the loudspeakers.
- 我们可以借用一下你的梯子吗?May we have the loan of your ladder?
- 我晚饭后通常听点音乐。I usually listen to a little music after dinner.
- 你也可以听些录音带。You may also listen to some taped programs.
- 如果您愿意,我们可以给您上点别的菜。I can give you something else if you'd like .
- 我有两只耳朵我可以听。I have two ears And I can hear.
- 我们可以向别的人学这个。We can learn this from someone else.
- 弗农:你得说的比刚才更好听点!Vernon: You gotta do better than that!
- 想来点别的吗?Would you care for something else?
- 可以听出来,小张很高兴。Xiao Zhang sounded very pleased.
- 那么,我们可以做点儿别的。Well, we could do something else.
- 弗农:你得说的比刚才更好听点!Vernon: You gotta do better than that!
- 先生,还要点别的吗?Anything else, Sir?