- 我在哪儿可以打到车?Where can I get a taxi? Where can I catch a taxi?
- 你知道我在哪儿可以买到波希米亚车料玻璃器皿?Do you happen to know where I can find Bohemia crystal ?
- 我在哪儿可以享受到最好的本地食物?Where can I enjoy the best local food?
- 我迷路了,如果我想回市中心,我在哪儿可以坐公交车?I'm afraid I have lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?
- 在图书馆中想找到她是不大可能成功的尝试,我不知道她在哪儿。Looking for her in the library was a long shot; I had no idea where she was.
- 我在哪儿可以把英镑兑换成美钞?Where can I change my English money for dollars?
- 你可以打由我付款的电话给我。You can call me collect.
- "乔治在哪儿?" "我想他是回家自我安慰去了。你对他太严厉了一点儿。""Where is George?" "Gone off home to lick his wounds, I expect. You were pretty severe with him."
- 使球杆在击球之前打到地面sclaff
- 让我在下一个拐弯处下车,好吗?Will you drop me off at the next turning?
- 敌人不投降,我们就打到底。If the enemy refuse to surrender,we shall fight to a finish.
- 她一见到我在看她就避开了我的眼睛。Her eyes shied away from mine.
- 51-F在哪儿?Where is 51-F?
- 我在铁路调车场工作。I work in the railway yards.
- 我们必须把这次战斗打到最后胜利。We must fight this battle through to victory.
- 在哪儿上映?Which theater?
- 昨天我在街上碰到我一个老朋友,但她没认出我就过去了。Yesterday I saw an old friend of mine in the street but she passed me up.
- 移民局在哪儿?Where is immigration?
- 我在这次旅游中可以看到什么?What can I see on that tour?
- 那开车的人在公路上让三个人搭了车,一直把他们送到纽约。The motorist picked up three men along the highway and took them as far as New York.