- 房子的格局如何?What is the layout of this house like?
- 如何what
- 总的来说,这所房子的外貌是富丽堂皇而且带浪漫色彩。On the whole, the appearence of the house was luxurious and romantic.
- 形成立体传播的格局,让媒体聚集“CGSEE中德光伏展”。Thus, the Three-Dimensional pattern will be formed, and CGSEE will be focused.
- 我们房子的四周都是树。Trees surround our house.
- 汉朝以后,中国历代中央政权发展和巩固了秦汉“大一统”的多民族国家的格局。The central governments of all dynasties following the Han developed and consolidated the united multi-ethnic entity.
- 竹子擦着房子的后墙。The bamboos scraped against the back wall of the house.
- 他负责设计电视节目的格局。He is in charge of laying out the format of a television program.
- 房子的左边造了厢房。The house was winged on the left side.
- 有很多人不想改变开放式厨房的格局,最好的办法就是增加抽油烟机的功率。Many people do not want to change the open kitchen setup, the best way is to increase the power of range hoods.
- 我请了承包商估计修缮这幢房子的费用。I asked a contractor to estimate for the repair of the house.
- 他把房子的轮廓画在纸上。He drew the outline of a house on the paper.
- 因此,我敦促他附合我们的政策,并要用我们的影响把它纳入一个更广泛的格局中去。I therefore urged him to go along with our policy and to use our influence to embed it in a wider framework.
- 拆掉房子的屋顶dismantle a house of its roof
- 电子行业积极推进大公司战略,以大公司为主体、中小企业共同发展的格局正在形成。In the electronic industry, the big corporation strategy was advocated and gave rise to the pattern with the big enterprises as the mainstay leading the medium and small enterprises in the common development.
- 我有这所房子的房契。I have the deed to the house.
- 这幢房子的前门通大街。The front door of the house opens on the street.
- 摘要四川盆地早三叠世飞仙关早期的环境基本上继承了晚二叠世长兴期末的格局。The sedimentary environment of the Early Feixianguan Age of Early Triassic in northeastern Sichuan Basin mainly inherited the pattern of the Late Changhsingian Age of Late Permian.
- 那所旧房子的外观全变了。The appearance of the old house completely changed.
- 仗一打开,我们才开始真正形成野战军的格局,编成纵队。It was only after the fighting started that we began to form the Second Field Army, consisting of a few columns.