


  1. 他把裤带扣得紧紧的。
    He buckled up his belt tightly.
  2. 你的一个扣子松开了。
    One of your buttons is undone.
  3. 请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗?
    Will you stitch a button on this shirt?
  4. 我用手帕把钮扣擦亮。
    I polished my buttons with a handkerchief.
  5. 请你把这颗纽扣缝到我的衬衫上好吗?
    Would you sew this button onto my shirt?
  6. 我的裙子是背后扣扣子的。
    My skirt buttons at the back.
  7. 我上衣上的一颗扣子掉了。
    One of the buttons has come off my coat.


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