- 措施和活动特别方案;Specific Programme of Measures and Activities;
- 人民武装动员是国家将武装力量由平时体制转为战时体制的措施和活动。Mobilization of the armed forces entails the measures and actions taken by the state to turn the armed forces from a peacetime to a wartime footing.
- 援助苏丹特别方案Special Programme of Assistance to the Sudan
- 国庆日筲箕湾巡游庆祝活动特别交通措施Special traffic arrangements for celebration parade in Shau Kei Wan on National Day
- 规划和特别方案科;Planning and Special Programmes Section;
- 特别方案联络干事;Liaison Officer for Special Programme;
- 维护和平活动特别委员会Special Committee on Peace-Keeping Operations
- 重整加氢装置换热器结垢成因分析及所采取的措施和效果Scaling Cause Analysis, Adopted Auti-scaling Countermeasure and Effects of Hear-exchangers in Hydro-reforming Unit
- 阿拉伯国家工业发展特别方案;PEC; Special Programme for Industrial Development in the Arab Countries;
- 但在这以后,直到一九四四年,蒋介石同日本的秘密谋和活动,始终没有停止。but Chiang never ceased his clandestine attempts to make peace with Japan right up to 1944.
- 试论发展火力发电的目标措施和当前待研究的若干技术问题Discussion about Target Measures to Develop Thermal Power Generation and Technical Issues to be Studied at Present
- 欧洲经济委员会活动特别工作组;Special Working Group on the Activities of the Economic Commission for Europe;
- 介绍目前流化床锅炉采用的减轻SO2和NOx的排放的措施和影响因素。The measures of lowering the emission of SO2 and NOx for CFB are introduced.
- 支援低收入缺粮国家粮食安全的粮食生产特别方案;Special Programme on Food Production in Support of Food Security in Low-income Food-deficit countries;
- 本阶段是第四阶段的继续。根据成本和活动分析核实目标成本。Contribution to the fourth stage, with activity analysis and costs, to verify target costs.
- 此外,要达致全面普选,现实上亦需要有全面的,各种各样的配套措施和安排。In addition, implementing universal suffrage requires comprehensive support measures.
- (v)审查和批准执行委员会的报告和活动,并对该委员会作指示;(v) review and approve the reports and activities of its Executive Committee, and give instructions to such Committee;
- 此外我们现正与深圳当局研究其他措施和联合行动,以控制后海湾的水质污染。We are also collaborating with the Shenzhen authorities to investigate additional measures and further joint actions for controlling water pollution in Deep Bay.
- 摄理,配置神统治世界的方法和活动The method of God's government of and activity within the world.
- 有许多强化隐性教育的措施和手段都包含在创建优美文明的校园环境这个大范畴中。Many means of strengthening the implicit education have been included the category of constructing grace campus environments.