- 方榫头插不进圆卯眼。?圆凿方枘不合适。You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.
- 他说个没完,别人半句话也插不进。He talked on and on and nobody else could get a word in.
- 方just
- 把楔子打进圆木中drive a wedge into a log
- 榫头的大小和卯眼不相符,无法落槽。The tenon does not conform to the mortise, so it can not fit into the mortise.
- 他说个没完,别人半句话也插不进。He talked on and on and nobody else could get a word in.
- 多是卵形、圆形或椭圆形的;可使光线照进圆屋顶或拱顶的窗。oval or circular; to allow light into a dome or vault.
- 第三方third party
- 方差variance
- 我钥匙插不进锁里,你能帮助我吗?I can't insert my key in the lock. Will you do it?
- 走进step in
- 供方supplier
- 请进walk up
- 插槽slot
- 插板flashboard
- 她说话滔滔不绝, 我们都插不上嘴。She talks so much that the rest of us never get a look in.
- 放进let ... in
- 进球score
- 欧文真能说,我根本就插不上嘴。Owen is a motor-mouth,I can never get a word in.
- 钻进infix