- 昨天你参加考试了吗?Did you participate in to have examined yesterday?
- 我也是。昨天你看见另外的两个了吗?So do I. Do you see the other two yesterday?
- 追悼会你参加了吗?Did you attend the memorial meeting?
- 参加to participate
- 昨天yesterday
- 你参加这次讨论了吗?Did you participate in this discussion?
- 昨天都来过呀。昨天你忽略了附近一个特别重要的地方。You overlooked a very important place close to it yesterday.
- 你通过考试了吗?Did you get through your examination?
- 贸然参加考试并且通过了;贸然走进并获得了这份新工作Took the exam cold and passed; walked in cold and got the new job.
- 你参加保险了吗?Have you taken out insurance?
- 昨天你去哪了?Where did you go yesterday?
- 他使他的学生都通过考试了吗?Did he put all his students through the examination?
- 你参加健身俱乐部了?我做梦也没想到你会这样认真对待一件事。You've joined a health club? I would never have dreamed that you'd take something like this so seriously.
- 昨天你给了我面试销售经理一职的机会,我特意打电话向你表示感谢。I am calling to thank you for giving me the interview for the Sales Manager position yesterday.
- 你上星期通过驾驶执照考试了吗?Have you got through your driving test last week?
- 他本来去年可以通过入学考试的,但他生病了没有参加考试。He could have passed the entrance examination last year, but he was ill and didn't take the examination.
- 我很高兴邀请你参加将于星期天晚上在学生会举行的舞会。I am very glad to invite you to attend the dancing party to be held this Sunday evening at the Students'Union.
- 昨天你去过教堂吗?Were you at church yesterday?
- 昨天你看到汤普森先生了吗?Did you see Mr. Thompson yesterday?
- 那是应该的,如果你知道答案就不必担心考试了。That's as it should be,and there need be no worrying over writing an examination when you'll know the answers.