- 有几个面?它们有什么特征?小组讨论填写表格。What are the features of the faces? You can discuss in groups and finish this blank.
- 有几个赛跑者在比赛中落在后面了。Several of the runners fell behind in the race.
- 有to have
- 一种矮的木本的多年生植物,有几个大的分枝。a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches.
- 这记录有几个空白处。There are several gaps in the record.
- 一周有几个工作日?How many work days are there in a week?
- 你有几个球拍。How many racket do you have?
- 这个词有几个含义。The word carries several senses.
- 有几个男孩在超市偷东西。Some boys were thieving in the supermarket.
- 你有几个人?How many people do you have, please?
- 有几个意思的词a word with several senses
- 有几个苍蝇在天花板上。A few flies are on the ceiling.
- 您的团有几个人?How many are in your group?
- 有几个暴乱者因制造动乱被关押在狱.Several of the rioters were imprisoned for causing a disturbance.
- 这引擎有几个汽缸?How many cylinders does this engine have?
- 资料片有几个区域?How many zones will be in the expansion?
- 这里有几个问题。Several questions are involved here.
- 你们有几个人,陶先生?How many will be in your party, Mr. Tao.
- 有几个人不同意。A number of people disagreed.
- 有几个头发移植技术。There are several hair transplant techniques.