- 有那么大的市场吗?Can there be such a big market for them?
- 人们对小鸡抱有那么大的希望,希望却又是那样惨地幻灭。One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so dreadfully disillusioned.
- 东南亚是你们最大的市场吗?Is Southeast Asia your largest market?
- 先听听我要说的话,何必有那么大的脾气。Just listen to what I have to say; there is no need to fly off the handle in that way.
- 您所处的是像阿曼或阿联酋那样管控有序的市场吗?Are you in a regulated market, like Oman or UAE?
- 人们对小鸡抱有那么大的希望,希望却又是那样惨地幻灭。One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so dreadfully disillusioned.
- 防火墙与VPN解决方案:气数殆尽的市场吗?Firewalls and VPN solutions: is the market burning out?
- 她的姑母几乎看不出有那么大年纪。Her aunt scarcely looked her age.
- 我们真的不知道我们需要知道换糖的市场吗?Do we really know everything we need to know about the sugar replacements on the market today?
- 这只是个小型的和平示威,真不明白为什么有那么多警察,简直是小题大做。It was a small and peaceful demonstration so I don't know why there was such a big police presence. It was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
- 我总也没有那么狠的心,也没有那么大的胆子去干那种事。I had not the compass of heart nor the enterprise for that.
- 近期内,益启发有计划进军任何新的市场吗?为什么?接下来,集团将集中在那些主要市场?Any plans to enter new markets in the near term? Why? What are the markets that Achieva will concentrate in the next few years?
- 我宁愿想像有那么大的权力。I prefer to imagine all that power.
- 有那么一瞬间,他对实验结果的一厢情景压倒了科学的谨慎。He had, for the absolute briefest time, let wishful thinking about results overrule his scientific caution.
- 我们应该努力争取更大的市场份额。We should aim for a bigger share of the market.
- 也许,早期阶段的太阳系是由彗星那么大小的天体所构成的。Perhaps at an early stage the solar system consisted of comet-sized objects.
- 结婚礼服在目前有很很大的市场。There's a big market today in wedding dresses.
- 架子被那么大的重量压得弯了下去。The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.
- 我会被你的行为打动吗?的确,有那么一点。它使我得到了一些战争带来的乐趣,但实在不多。And I am supposed to be impressed? It takes more than an occasional act of war to please me.
- 因为不正常的暖气候,北极上空臭氧层消耗的范围并不像我们预期的那么大。Ozone-layer depletion above the Arctic is not as extensive as expected because of unusually warm weather.