- 权宜 之策an expediential policy
- 权宜expediency
- 宜proper
- 策method
- 保护之策strategy of protection
- 权宜措施[法] stopgap measure
- 两全之策a plan which satisfies both claims
- 你可以权宜处理。You may arrange accordingly.
- 讲真话始终是最上之策,除非你真是个例外的撒谎高手。It is always the best policy to speak the truth,unless of course you are an exceptionally good liar.
- 由于这个职员没有实权,他只好权宜行事。Because he had no real authority, the clerk acted in an officious way.
- 晓执政之道谋稳定之策--关于正确处理人民内部矛盾之管见Having a Good Command of Governance and Working for National Stability--My Views on How to Properly Handle the Contradictions among the People
- 权宜手段a temporary expedient
- 在那个年月里,物品的重新使用与回收处理经常是节省开支的必行之策。In those days reuse and recycling were often economic necessities.
- 权宜行为expediency behavior
- “自强”之策" striving to improve" plan
- 权宜的stopgap
- 政治管理之策strategies for political administrations
- 权宜通信地址(不是公司的真实地址,只用它来得到音信).Accommodation address is address used for receiving messages but which is not the real address of the company.
- 他们选用她担任这项职务,想必是穷途之策了。They must have scraped the bottom of the barrel when chose her to fill that position.
- 权宜婚姻marriage of convenience