- 板球赛进行得怎么样?现在比分多少?How is the cricket match coming along? What's the state of play?
- 板球赛进行得怎么样?现在比分多少?How is the cricket match coming along? What's the state of play?
- 汤姆的新书写得怎么样?How is Tom going on with his new book?
- 手术进行得顺利。The operation was plain sailing.
- 在进行in the wind
- 奥赛Houssay
- 它运转得怎么样?How does it work?
- 在进行中in hand
- 巴不得anxious
- 障碍赛steeplechase
- 买得起can afford
- 安排课程;对一天进行安排Structure a curriculum; structure one's day.
- 见得seem
- 按照正常的程序进行take its course
- 这几天我是忙得不可开交。I've had my hands full these last few days.
- 迈克尔,加入我们,一天赛两场怎么样?Michael, how about joining us in a doubles game?
- 北京电台以十几种不同的频率进行广播。Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。""How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- 迈克尔,加入我们的双打赛怎么样?Michael,how about joining us in a doubles game?
- (价格)猛涨,(传染病)流行得很快advance rapidly