- 模具45#钢电化学抛光电解液的选择Selection of Electrolyte for Electro-chemical Polishing 45%23 Steel Mould
- 模具mould
- 模具设计mold design
- 模具制造die making
- .45口径.45 caliber.
- 模具厂die shop
- 高约45英寸。It's, say, 45 inches.
- 注塑模具injection mold
- 每晚45美元,外加税。%2445.00 a night, plus tax.
- 冲压模具press tool
- 45钢45 steel
- 模具钢die steel
- 45#钢45%23 steel
- 45重Body weight
- 成型模具mould
- 争论的双方星期一在法庭上将各有45分钟陈述自己的观点.The two sides presented their cases in court Monday for45 minutes apiece.
- 塑料模具plastic mould
- 45% 的毛利a gross margin of 45%25
- 45号钢45 steel
- 模具车间diemaking shop