- 汎士通轮胎Firestone tires
- 士通轮胎Firestone tires
- 泛士通轮胎Firestone tires
- 东软士通Neu-Bitco
- 东软士通软件有限公司Neusoft Shitong Company
- 凡士通轮胎Firestone tire
- 雅诺-特鲁利:我们在马来西亚和澳大利亚的比赛之间回到了欧洲,在保罗-理查德赛道对普利司通轮胎进行了测试。JT: We went back to Europe between the Malaysian and Australian races and we tested with Bridgestone at Paul Ricard.
- 林业轮胎forestry tyre
- 宽基工程机械轮胎wide OTR tire
- [谚]条条道路通罗马。All roads lead to Rome.
- 反相高效液相色谱法测定全血中马钱子碱和士的宁的含量Determination of Brucine and Strychnine in Human Blood by Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 子午线轮胎滚动阻力的数值模拟Numerical Simulation of Radial Tire Rolling Resistance
- 连续选通continuous gating
- 当手表成为批量生产的商品,劳力士继续强调质量和工艺水平.Even as watches became mass-produced commodities, Rolex continued to emphasize craftsmanship and quality.
- 通视范围whole-visible area
- 通名报姓tell one's name
- 《香港有机农庄导赏指南》主要介绍有机生活、有机耕种和香港有机农庄的信息,并附有机生活小贴士。The guide book will include information about organic living, organic farming, details of Hong Kong Organic Farm, tips to implement organic living and related exercises.
- 苏红通络酊Suhong Tongluo Tincture
- [谚]万事皆通,但一无所长。Jack of all trades and master of none.
- 临界热通量critical heat flux