- 洛杉矶的区号是多少?What is the area code for Los Angeles?
- 为了方便拨打国际长途电话而为不同国家设定的不同区号。例如:英国的区号是00。International dialling prefix The country dependent dialling prefix used to make an international call, e. G. The prefix is 00 in the UK.
- 号roar
- 区district
- 我的名字是杰瑞陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉矶的联合航空003班机。My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight number is 003 for Los Angeles.
- 五号the fifth
- 美国的国际区号是多少?What's the international code for the States?
- 北京和洛杉矶的时差是多少?What's the time difference between Beijing and Los Angel?
- 你在用的时候只要先拨17931,后面接上我的区号和电话号码就行了。All you need to do is dial 17931, my area code and my telephone number.
- 帐号account number
- 发生在洛杉矶的不光彩的罗德尼?金毒打案向公众展示了警察暴行是多少猖狂。The infamous Rodney King beating in L. A. showed the public at how rampant police brutality is.
- 单号odd numbers
- Marchant's zone (硬脑膜附着于蝶骨与枕骨在颅底的区)马尚氏脑膜附着区
- 这家航空公司的行李重量限额是多少?What is the baggage allowance of this airline?
- 1992年,洛杉矶的弗兰克·帕金斯决心打破坐旗杆的世界记录。P> In 1992, Frank Perkings in Los Angeles made an attempt on the world flagpole-sitting record.
- 区号district number
- 那要追溯到1986年,拉尔夫?桑普森以经营上的好转改变了洛杉矶的高层。That was back in 1986, the year Ralph Sampson broke the heart of the Los Angeles Lakers with that turnaround jumper.
- 杨森议员就"委任最少的区议员"动议议案,以便在立法会辩论。Dr Hon YEUNG Sum moved a motion on "Appointing least number of district council members" for debate in the Council.
- 往洛杉矶的西北航空班机是从这个登机门进入吗?Is this the right boarding gate for the Northwest Airlines flight for Los Angeles?
- 您的帐号是多少?What is your account number?