



  • - (体积增大) swell up:

    The beans swelled up after being soaked. 豆子泡涨了。

    - (充血) (of the head) be swelled by a rush of blood:

    feel one's head swimming; 头昏脑涨

    Her face flushed scarlet. 她的脸涨得通红。

    - (多出; 超出) be more, larger, etc. than expected:

    When the cloth was measured, it was found to be half a chi longer than expected. 把布一量,涨出了半尺。

    Last month he couldn't make ends meet. 上个月他钱花涨了。

  • - (升高; 提高) rise; go up; swell:

    Prices skyrocketed. 物价飞涨。

    One's emotion swells. 情绪高涨。



  1. 通货膨胀率可能上升。如果是这样,物价就会上涨。
    Inflation may be rising, if (it is) so, prices will go up.
  2. 他们应该设法阻止价钱上涨。
    They should try to keep prices from rising.
  3. 他们把通货膨胀大幅度增长归咎于石油价格的上涨。
    They blamed the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.
  4. 在过去十年里,物价一直在上涨。
    Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
  5. 物价正持续上涨。
    Prices are rising steadily.
  6. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。
    The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion.
  7. 对书籍课税造成书价急剧上涨。
    The imposition of the tax on books caused a sharp rise in price.
  8. 有迹象表明物价将上涨。
    There are some indications that the prices will rise.


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