- 游击战争是什么呢?What is guerrilla warfare?
- 什么what
- 这个原则,正规战争和游击战争是基本上同一的,只在表现形式上有程度的不同。The principle stated above is basically the same for both regular and guerrilla war; it differs to some degree only in its form of expression.
- 那么我们党面临的最大麻烦是什么呢?这里不妨向诸位略作交代。A few words will explain the greatest embarrassment belonging to the situation of our party.
- 呢(question particle)
- 游击战争是一般地用袭击的形式表现其进攻的。Offensives in guerrilla warfare generally take the form of surprise attacks.
- 会是什么呢?What was it?
- 但是游击战争是能够建立其主动权的,主要的条件就是抓住上述敌人的三个弱点。Nevertheless,it is possible to build up the initiative in guerrilla warfare,the essential condition being to seize on the enemy's three weaknesses.
- 灵活性是什么呢?What is flexibility?
- 宴会的主菜是什么呢?What are on the menu for the main course?
- 您的后面是什么呢?What is behind you?
- 那么大都市的气质又是什么呢?What then was the finish of the big city?
- 真正的美国牛仔到底是什么样子的呢?今天他们又怎么样了?What were America's real cowboys like,and what has become of them today?
- 游击战争的主动性是什么呢?What is initiative in guerrilla warfare?
- 相比其他的网络游戏,是什么使得魔兽世界如此地成功呢?Why do you think World of Warcraft has been such a success when compared to other MMOs?
- 那么问题到底是什么呢?So what is the real problem?
- 你们那么晚才得到批准参赛,真让人有点担心,其中的内幕是什么呢?There was a bit of unrest concerning your late entry. What was behind this?
- 保罗说,这样,你们受的是什么洗呢。他们说,是约翰的洗。And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
- 赫尔克里斯再次变成神的唯一办法是什么呢?What was the only way for Hercules to become a god again?
- 安全的意义是什么呢?What do we mean by safe?