- 大坝溃决成灾。The dam broke and caused a flood.
- 坝溃决dam breaking
- 成灾cause disaster
- 坝的溃决dam-break
- 鼠患成灾an infestation of mice
- 全堤溃决The bank burst and totally collapsed.
- 溃决breach
- 鼠害成灾的Infested with mice.
- 溃决电压breakdown voltage
- 鼠害成灾be infested with rats
- 溃决概率breach probability
- 幸未成灾。Fortunately it didn't cause a disaster.
- 围堰溃决cofferdam-breach
- 暴雨成灾。The heavy rainstorm caused a disastrous flood.
- 溃决方式dam-break mode
- 在台风的肆虐下,许多地方豪雨成灾,人民伤亡惨重。Many areas were flooded by the heavy rain produced by the storm, causing heavy casualties.
- 堤坝溃决dam-break or levee-breach
- 这个城市里,疾病流行,暴力成灾。Disease and violence were rife in the city.
- 溃决模式dam-break patterns
- 我们宿舍鼠害成灾。Our dormitory is infested with rats.