
[ài mò néng zhù]




爱莫能助 [ài mò néng zhù]
  • - willing to help but unable to do so; be glad to,but powerless to render assistance; be sympathetic but have no ability [unable] to help; be unable to help sb. even for the sake of love; desirous but unable to help; feel sorry that one is not in a position to give help; I can do nothing.; It is beyond one's ability to render assistance although one would like to.; love but have no ability to render assistance; not be able to help even if one would like to; One would be glad to help but cannot.; The spirit is willing but the body weak.; (We) will not be able to help (sb.) even if we would like to:

    We are willing to help but unable to do so about this. 这件事我们是爱莫能助了。



  1. 他满怀好意,但爱莫能助。;他满怀好意,但爱莫能助。
    He is full of good intentions, but can do nothing to help.
  2. 很抱歉,此事爱莫能助。
    I regret that I cannot help.
  3. 我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助。
    I appreciate your problem, but I don't think I can help you.


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