
[hú jiǎ hǔ wēi]




狐假虎威 [hú jiǎ hǔ wēi]
  • - (比喻借别人的威势欺压人) the fox assuming the majesty of the tiger -- borrowing power to do evil; (like) a donkey [an ass] in a lion's hide; a fox masquerading as a tiger; assume someone else's authority as one's own; assume the dignity of another; assume the dignity [authority] of sb. else as one's own; assuming self importance by one's connections; browbeat others by virtue of sb. else's influence [position; authority]; clothe one's fox-like form with the borrowed majesty of the tiger; rely on one's master's might to bully other; swagger about in borrowed plumes; take advantage of the influence of others; The fox borrows the tiger's fierceness.; the fox who profited by the tiger's might -- to take advantage of sb. else's power to throw one's weight about; the lion's skin



  1. 但我们始终希望看到他们坚强地维护自己的自由--而且要记住,在历史上,凡愚蠢地狐假虎威者,终必葬身虎口。
    But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom, and to remember that in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.


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