- 獾先生上哪去了?”鼹鼠问,他正在炉火上温咖啡。Where's Mr. Badger?’ inquired the Mole, as he warmed the coffee-pot before the fire.
- 老鼠上哪去了?你们这些臭老鼠,我非得把你们一个个吃掉不可。The cat Where are the mice? You bad mice! I will eat you.
- 餐桌的一端,一张扶手椅已推回原位,桌上还摊着獾先生吃剩的晚餐,饭菜平常,但很丰盛。At one end of it, where an arm-chair stood pushed back, were spread the remains of the Badger's plain but ample supper.
- 你到底上哪去了?我叫你去查营房的。Where the devil have you been? I told you to inspect the lines.
- 班克斯先生上了年纪,他将会把他的生意交给他的儿子经营。When Mr. Banks got old, he will hand over his business to his son.
- 他们怯生生地抬头望着獾先生,不好意思开口。Badger, but were too shy to say anything.
- 卡尔先生上星期天请我去吃饭。Mr. Karl asked me out to dinner last Sunday
- 蟾蜍立时紧张起来,可是河鼠诡秘地冲他点点头,径直走到门口,打开门。进来的是獾先生。Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger.
- 你到底上哪去了?Where on earth have you been?
- 请你陪这位先生上医院,好吗?他感到不太舒适。Would you please accompany this gentleman to the hospital? He doesn't feel well enough.
- 服务员正带着马丁先生上楼去他的房间。The bellboy is showing Mr. Martin up to his room.
- 你上哪去了?Where did you go?
- 李特先生上初中时感到困难的学科有两门:语文和英语。Mr. Read had two bulls of Bashan when he was at junior school: Chinese and English.
- 你想添加消息?但它到哪去了?呵,请记住只有发布了的消息才是可见。Did you try to add a message? But where did it go? Well, remember that only published messages are visible.
- 如果把同志当作敌人来对待,就是使自己站在敌人的立场上去了。To treat comrades like enemies is to go over to the stand of the enemy.
- 你上哪去 philip?Where are you going, Philip?
- 他们还能上哪去?Where can they have got to?
- 我们已经把牛放到牧场上吃草去了。We have put our cattle out to pasture.
- 看着点,基督徒,往哪去?下次再让我碰上这匹骨瘦如柴的小马就归我了。Watch, where you are going, Christian? Next time I just might keep your scrawny little beast.
- 你把那封信寄出去了吗?我还想再附上一句话Have you sent that letter off yet? There's something I want to add to it.