- 现在要不要也点主菜?Can I also take you order for your entrees now?
- (噢,我的一些同学将要办一个寻找复活节彩蛋的游戏,你要不要也来呢?)H : Well. Some of my classmates will hold an Easter egg hunt. Do you want to come with us?
- 好的,要不要也加些冰块?Yes,sir. Would you care for some ice cubes,too?
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。""It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 空虚黑暗的我将举起我的灯,守夜的人要添上油,也点上火。Empty and dark shall I raise my lantern, And the guardian of the night shall fill it with oil and he shall light it also.
- 看起来现在要储蓄实际是不可能的。It is practically impossible to save money now seems.
- 要不要喝点咖啡?How about having some coffee?
- 你要不要来点甜食?Are you up for some dessert?
- 要不是老领导的拉巴,我也坐不到现在这个位置上。Without the support of the former leader, I would not be in this current position.
- 你的气管炎,要不要吃点中药试试?Would you like to try some Chinese medicine for your bronchitis?
- 我现在必需决定要不要出国。I must now determine whether to go abroad.
- 你今天要不要修一修手指甲或脚指甲呢?Would you like a manicure or pedicure today?
- 要不要来和我们一道吃点东西?Would you come and have something with us?
- 您要不要我给您也洗头发?Would you like me to shampoo your hair,too?
- 或者要不要弗里曼先生给您回个电话?Or do you want Mr. Freeman to call you back?
- 要不要进来喝点茶?Won't you come in and have a little tea?
- 您要不要我给您也洗洗头发?Would you also want me to shampoo your hair?
- 我们今天有很好的菲力小牛排,您要不要试试?We have very good filet mignon today. Would you like to try?
- 要不要喝点什麽?Do you want anything to drink? A