- 瓮中之鳖, 手到拿来。A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the reach.
- 瓮中之鳖,手到拿来。A turtle in a jar is certainly caught within the reach.
- 拿来bring
- 拿to hold
- 手到擒来just strech the hand and bring it back
- 要打赢他们还不是手到擒来?Surely we can beat them hands down!
- 从一个摇滚乐手到电子音乐制作人,王睿经历了漫长的路程。Geezer has experienced a lot of music in his journey from playing rock songs to becoming an electronic musician.
- 拿来做比较bring into comparison
- 她们手挽着手到那些漂亮的商店和剧院去。They walked arm in arm on their way to the fine shops or theatres.
- 她给我拿来一盘茶和三明治。She brought me a tray of tea and sandwiches.
- 腓力去找到拿但业,说:“我们遇到了摩西律法上写的、众先知提到的那个人了,他就是约瑟的儿子拿撒勒人耶稣。”Philip went to find Nathanael,and told him,"we have met the man spoken of by Moses in the Law,and by the prophets: it is Jesus son of Joseph,from Nazareth."
- 在球手带球的时候,球从一个手到另一个手的来回传动。Crossover dribble: A dribble in which the ball is moved from one hand to the other while the dribbler changes directions.
- 你是否能把你的闪光设备也拿来?我的坏了。Could you also get your flash-attachment? Mine is broken.
- 把你的自行车拿来去兜一圈。Get your bicycle and come for a spin.
- 拿到手procure
- 快上楼去把碘酒拿来。Run upstairs and get the iodine.
- 第二关难度要比第一关稍有提高,不过想要取胜也手到擒来。The second tank will get a little trickier, but is still pretty easy to win.
- 书能拿来出来吗?Can we take the books out?
- 他们拿来的东西他一口也不吃。He refused to touch a morsel of the food they had brought.
- 鸿渐两手到外套背心裤子的大小口袋去摸钱,柔嘉笑他道:“电车快来了,你别在街上捉虱。Hung-chien groped around with both hands in the various pockets of his overcoat, vest, and pants for his money."The tram's about to come," said Jou-chia, laughing at him."Don't try to catch lice here in the street.