- 瓶子里有牛奶吗?Is there any milk in the bottle?
- 你看到瓶子里有一只船吗?猜猜看,它是怎样放进去的?Can you see that there's a ship in-side the bottle? How do you think it got there?
- ‘你有牛奶吗?’‘对不起,没有。’`Have you any milk?' `I'm afraid not.'
- 瓶子里有一点牛奶。There is a little milk in the bottle.
- 吗morphine
- 瓶子里有多少牛奶?How much milk is there in the bottle?
- 饭菜虽简单,却有牛奶泡面包作补充。The modest meal was eked out with bread and milk.
- 箱子里有三瓶牛奶吗?Are there three bottles of milk in the box?
- 该孤儿院里的孩子向州长呼吁,要求能有牛奶喝。Kids in the orphanage were begging milk from the governor.
- 瓶子里有一些墨水。There is some ink in the bottle.
- 富含钙的食物有牛奶、奶酪和酸奶。Foods rich in calcium include milk, cheese and yogurt.
- 两个人走到一个带玻璃门的大冰箱,里面有牛奶制品。They reach a large, glass-doored refrigerator containing dairy products.
- 瓶子里有多少水?How much water is there in the bottle?
- 果馅饼一种内有牛奶蛋糊、水果或干酪等的果子馅饼A tart with a filling of custard, fruit, or cheese.
- 你行李里有违禁品吗?Do you have any contraband in your luggage?
- 那封信装在一只高度密封的瓶子里。The letter was contained in a bottle fast as a Kentish oyster.
- 这些儿童在早餐与午餐之间有牛奶与饼乾作点心The children have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits
- 旅店里有娱乐场所吗?Is there any place where we can amuse ourselves in the hotel?
- 瓶子里有少许牛奶。There is a bit of milk in the bottle.
- 冰箱里还有牛奶吗?Is there any milk left in the refrigerator?