- 协助房地产市场畅顺运作Facilitating Smooth Operation of the Property Market
- 海事处辖下的船只航行监察中心,负责确保香港水域的海上交通安全畅顺。The Marine Department's Vessel Traffic Centre (VTC) is responsible for ensuring safe and efficient marine traffic flow in Hong Kong waters.
- 很可能是因为肠道不健康、排便不畅顺的后果。Replenishing the good bacteria and maintaining good dietary and excretion habits will help discharge accumulated body waste.
- 海事处辖下的船只航行监察中心,负责确保香港水域海上交通安全畅顺。The Marine Department's Vessel Traffic Centre (VTC) is responsible for ensuring safe and efficient marine traffic flow in the waters of Hong Kong.
- 我曾经与部分嘉宾交谈,你们也向我证实新机场运作畅顺,我感到很高兴。And I'm glad,having spoken to some of you and you have confirmed to me,that the airport is operating well at last.
- 为使这个通往大屿山和新界西北部的快速公路网保持交通畅顺,完善的管理是必不可少的。The strategic expressway system to Lantau and North-West New Territories needs to be carefully managed to ensure smooth traffic flow.
- 乘客在途中可能会更换座位或移近车门出口,因此,驾驶时应保持行车畅顺稳定。Passengers may change seats or move towards the exit door while the vehicle is moving. Therefore driving actions should be carried out smoothly and gradually.
- 椭圆网点:用特别网片所造成的延长网点。它使中间色调部份的色调层次更为畅顺 。Elliptical dots: Dots made by a special screen .These are elongated dots giving a smoother gradation of tone in middle-tones areas.
- 金融基础设施就好比一幢大厦的供水及去水渠道,我们期望这些渠道畅顺运作,甚至没有人发觉其存在。Financial infrastructure is akin to the plumbing of a building. We want it to function so smoothly that nobody notices it.
- 有效率的市场应该可以不断吸收会影响市场前景的新资讯,然后很快便可畅顺地达致新的均衡价格水平。An efficient market should be capable of continuously taking in new information that affects market outlook and of moving quickly and smoothly to the new equilibrium price level.
- 基金组织身负重任,要确保国际金融系统健全,国际金融活动畅顺运作,以符合全球经济发展的最佳利益。The IMF has a key role to play in international finance, in ensuring that it works in the best interests of the global economy.
- 总而言之,我们的目的非常清晰,就是在联系汇率制度下维持汇率稳定,并促进该制度下的利率调节机制畅顺运作。Our intentions are, nevertheless, crystal clear: to preserve exchange rate stability implied by the Linked Exchange Rate System and to promote smooth interest rate adjustments implied by that system.
- 即时支付结算系统运作畅顺,有效处理所有资金流向,包括多宗大规模首次公开招股活动,并录得破纪录的交易额。The RTGS systems efficiently handle all fund flows, including many large equity initial public offerings, and register record transaction volumes.
- 何不承认整个人生都潜伏在意识阀值之下但却又正常畅顺地运作?(好比一天24小时不停地呼吸但很少在意一呼一吸)Why not admit that one"s entire personal life may sink largely below the threshold of consciousness and yet proceed sanely and smoothly?
- 得益于“星空联盟”的全球飞行网络,汉莎航空不仅为乘客提供畅顺便捷的飞行服务,也为乘客奉上灵活的旅行选择。Benefit from" starry sky alliance" the whole world fly network, Lufthansa aviation offers smooth by the way flight of the victory service for passenger, offer the flexible traveling choice for the passenger too.
- 各方面的努力在机管局的综合统筹计划下互相配合。机管局实行综合统筹的目的,是为了确保由机场建造、设施与系统测调,以至机场全面运作等各方面,都能畅顺交接过渡。This major team effort is co-ordinated by the AA within the framework of an integrated programme which aims toachieve a seamless transition from construction,testing and commissioning of facilities and systems to full airport operation.