- 试验研究了Al?Si?Mn?Fe 合金的金相组织、电阻率和力学性能。The microstructure,resistivity and mechanical property of Al Si Mn Fe alloys are studied.
- 本文用测量电阻变化的方法,研究了Al-Si(1%)金属化线条的电迁移失效.The method of measuring metal stripresistance was used to investigate the elec-tromigration failure of Al-Si(1%25)metalliza-tion.
- 研究了Al?Si?Mg系A357合金在不同时效状态下的显微组织、力学性能及形变特性。The microstructure, mechanical properties and deformation characteristics have been studied for a cast Al Si Mg alloy A357 treated under different aging conditions.
- 研究了Al?Ti?B晶粒细化合金中各化合物相TiAl3、TiB2和AlB2对铝晶粒的细化作用。The effects of TiAl 3, TiB 2 and AlB 2 phases in the Al Ti B master alloy on grain refining of aluminium were studied.
- 通过等通道挤压(ECAP)制备了Al-C复合材料,并使用HRTEM、EDS和XRD研究了A1/C界面。Al-3at%25C composites were prepared by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP).
- 本工作研究了Al(PO_3)_3系统的氟磷玻璃,以Al(PO_3)_3-AlF_3-RF(RF_2)系统为主要对象。Al(PO_3)_3-containing fluorophosphate glass systems have been studied, and the Al(PO_3)_3-AlF_3-RF(RF_2) systems in particular.
- 警察仔细研究了这个人的交代,以了解他说的是否是实话。The police went into the man's story to see if he was telling the truth.
- 按照国标JB/T 7509-94铁试剂方法进行测定了Al_2O_3陶瓷涂层的孔隙率。According to JB/T 7509-94, the rate of hole about AI2O3 ceramic coating is mensurated by the steel reagent technique, the experiments results indicate that the structure and the size Al_2O_3 ceramic coating is fine and compact;
- 列宁深入研究了马克思和恩格斯的著作。Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels.
- 董事们把这个计划反复研究了好几个星期。The directors batted the plan back and forth for weeks.
- 本文通过采用硬度测量,差热分析及透射电镜综合研究了Al_2O_3p/6061复合材料在时效过程中的析出变化。In this paper, the process of aging precipitation in the Al_2O_3p/6061 composites was investigated. Hardness, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and transmission electron microscopy were employed.
- 研究了许多个小时我才相信他有罪。It took many hours to convince me of his guilt.
- 本文首先研究了NIRS分析中药制药过程的准备实验方法。Studies on the preparation experimental methods of process analytical chemistry for TCM manufacture using NIRS were first carried out.
- 通过扫描电镜(SEM)、光学显微镜(OM)、能谱分析(EDS)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)等手段,研究了Al-Ti-C-P晶粒细化剂的显微组织。Modification effect of Al-Ti-C-P on Al-Si alloy was also investigated. The microstructure of grain refiner was studied by OM,XRD,SEM and EDS.
- 本文研究了在不同深度耕翻下,羊草根茎营养物的变化情况。The nutrient variation in rhizome of Aneurolepidium chinense wag studied under different ploughing depths.
- 他们绘制了含盐地区的地图,研究了形成的原因。They mapped the saline regions and examined the reasons for their formation.
- 通过XRD、SEM、TEM及EPMA技术研究了Al_2O_3-25vol%ZrO_3(2mol%Y_3O_3)-25vol%SiCw(AZS)三元陶瓷复合材料的显微组织和力学性能。The microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3 -25 vol %25 ZrO2 (2mol%25 Y2O3)-25 vol%25 SiCw(AZS) ceramic composite are investigated by means of XRD, SEM,TEM and EPMA in the paper. The experimental results show that the material possesses a good combination of strength and toughness.
- 那个侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹。The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.
- 它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid.
- 研究了Ti_3SiC_2和Ti在1573K、20MPa压力下的相互联接及界面结构。The conjunction and interface structure of Ti/Ti_3SiC_2 composite at 1573 K and 20 MPa is studied.