



  • - (无头发; 无毛) bald; bare:

    baldhead; 秃头

    He's getting bald.; He's going baldish. 他的头开始秃了。

    - (无枝叶; 无树木) bare; barren:

    barren hill; 秃山

    The tree is leafless [defoliate]. 这棵树秃了。

    - (物体失去尖端) blunt; pointless:

    The pencil is blunt. 铅笔秃了。

    - (首尾结构不完整) incomplete; unsatisfactory:

    The essay seems to start unexpectedly [unsatisfactorily]. 文章开头有点秃。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Tu Jian 秃健



  1. 他有个看法是男人戴帽子就会秃顶。
    He has a theory that wearing hats makes men go bald.
  2. 你知道[听说过]那个秃头警察的笑话吗?
    Do you know/Have you heard the one about the bald policeman?
  3. 他讨厌人家影射他秃顶。
    He resents any allusion to his baldness.
  4. 他脱下帽子,露出秃头。
    He took off the hat and revealed his bald head.
  5. 他是个亮光光的秃顶。
    He has a shiny bald pate.
  6. 我们在一座秃山上种了些树。
    We planted some trees on the bald hill.
  7. 这生发剂是骗人的玩艺,我还是和以前一样秃。
    This hair-tonic is a fraud; I'm as bald as ever.
  8. 我们的狗的腿上秃了一块。
    Our dog has a bald patch (ie a patch with no hair) on its leg.
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