- ship,shop,walk,free,earth,mate,man,friend这些词具有简洁的美。There is a simple beauty in ship, shop, walk, free, earth, mate, man, fried.
- 梭子在经线中来回移动。The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.
- 垂直地移动机器。Move the machine in an upright position.
- 第二个问题与Math.random()有关。A second question concerns Math.random( ).
- 研究结果:轮状病毒感染16例占34.8%、环状病毒7例占15.2%、小圆形病毒8例占17.4%、Nor-walk病毒6例占13%,细菌性感染7例占15.2%,其它2例占4.4%。The results showed 16 cases(34.7%25)were infected by Rota Virus(HRV),7 cases (15.2%25)by Cup Virus(Cup V),8 cases(17.4%25)bySmall-Round Virus(SRV),6 cases (13%25)by Norwalk virus,7 cases( 15.2%25)by bacteria and 2 cases(4.4%25)by others.
- 队伍缓慢而庄严地向前移动着。The procession moved at a slow and stately speed.
- FilePutObject只在Random和Binary模式中有效。FilePutObject is valid only in Random and Binary mode.
- 为生成数字,程序首先会创建一个Random(随机)对象。To generate numbers, the program first creates a Random object.
- 上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.
- 看过这本书就知道如何用random的眼光看这个世界了。Cong recommendation: read this book will know how to use random perspective of the world.
- 一群一起移动的动物。a group of animals (a herd or flock) moving together.
- 人群开始向前移动。The crowd began to move onwards.
- 移动家具to shift the furniture
- 地壳移动crust movement
- 入口被一块无法移动的石头堵住了。The entrance is blocked by an immovable rock.
- 钡移动barium transfer
- 唱针正循着唱片纹路移动。The stylus is traveling in a groove.
- 沙丘常往内陆移动。The dunes usually migrate inland.
- 部队向山丘顶移动。The troop maneuvered along to the hilltop.
- 军队在移动。The army is on the move.