- 简simple
- 简爱Jane Eyre
- 简装convenience package
- 化简abbreviation
- 简并degenerate
- 受人尊敬的简·史密斯The Very Reverend Jane Smith.
- 简析brief analysis
- 简谐振动simple harmonic oscillation
- 罗切斯特从马上摔了下来,他的狗跑到简身旁寻求帮助。Rochester has been thrown by his horse, and his dog comes to Jane seeking help.
- 托尼跟简是正在谈恋爱吗?Are Tony and Jane going steady?
- 简码brevity code
- 简匆匆梳理了一下头发。Jane scrambled up her hair.
- 简寻回了丢失的钱包。Jane recovered her lost wallet.
- 简支freely-supported
- 简转入了教育出版界,可是瓦尔遵从自己的爱好,留下从事教学,直至退休。Jan moved on into educational publishing but Val followed her bent and remained in teaching until she retired.
- 他征询他父亲对他娶简的意见。He sounded out his father on the idea of marrying Jane.
- 简老是作弄她弟弟。Jane always makes a fool of her younger brother.
- 下达简令briefing
- "但是等一下," 简突然说,"我的故事还没完。""But wait, " Jane chucked out, "I haven't finished my story."