- 绝对absolute
- 绝对的utter
- 测试仪tester
- 绝对不not at any price
- 绝对真实as true as a die
- 绝对地absolutely
- 耐压测试仪Hi-pot Tester
- 绝对零度absolute zero
- 接地电阻测试仪ground resistance test set
- 绝对优势absolute advantages
- 综合测试仪all-purpose tester
- 绝对路径absolute path
- 肛肠压力测试仪anorectal pressure measuring instrument
- 爱泼斯坦测试仪Epstein tester
- 绝对诚信utmost good faith
- 白噪声测试仪white noise test set
- 没有人可以证明他的话是绝对正确的。No one can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.
- 摆幅测试仪amplitude tester
- 绝对误差AbsE
- 便携式测试仪器portable instrument