- 腌肉brawn
- 腌菜salted vegetables; pickled vegetables
- 腌黄瓜pickle
- 腌渍pickling
- 祖母会腌黄瓜。Grandmother knew how to pickle cucumbers.
- 她喜欢在鸡肉里加点腌猪肉。She likes to lard the chicken with some bacon.
- 我们用盐腌鱼。We preserve fish in salt.
- 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。The cod was salted away for future use.
- 有些腌菜是泡在盐水里的。Some pickles are kept in brine.
- 那些是用盐水腌过的鲱鱼。Those are herrings pickled in brine.
- 腌晒鲑鱼to kipper salmons
- 腌蛋preserve eggs in salt
- 腌肉都煎糊了!The bacon is all frizzled up!
- 腌青鱼soused herrings
- 将肉在腌汁里浸一整夜Let the meat marinate overnight.
- 切掉腌肉的皮.cut off the bacon rind
- 他呼出的气里有啤酒和腌洋葱的味道。His breath smelled of beer and pickled onions.
- 每客有几片腌肉?How many rashers of bacon are there per serving?
- 腌制完成后,将牛肉从腌汁中取出,洗干净并进行干燥或烟熏。After curing, remove meat form the pickle; wash and dry or smoke.
- 腌三文鱼Marinated Salmon