- 对那些有机会就近观察的人,迪涅主教所过的那种自甘淡泊的生活,确是严肃而动人。The voluntary poverty in which the Bishop of D---- lived,would have been a solemn and charming sight for any one who could have viewed it close at hand.
- 淡泊自甘be tranquil and satisfied
- 自甘堕落abandon oneself to wanton ways
- 恬澹自甘To be calm and frugal willingly
- 自有own; self-possessed
- 自驾游self-driving travel
- 甘先生对名利很淡泊。Mr. Gump has no aspiration for fame and wealth.
- 宁定淡泊rest of the mind in one's present condition; content
- 他不因财富和奢华而自甘堕落。He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate.
- 性能力弱的;性欲淡泊的undersexed adj.
- 本条例自公布之日起施行。These regulations come into force upon promulgation.
- 论文人画之萧条淡泊境界On Bleak and Light Realm of Scholars 'Drawings
- 约翰逊先生得知谁是他的对手后,便甘拜下风退出比赛。Mr Johnson bowed out of the contest when he learned who his opponent was.
- 自付pay
- 他一生淡泊,生活简朴。All through the years he led a simple life without worldly desires.
- 自攻self tapping
- 自甘堕落的slatternly
- 他自愿做这苦差使。He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job.
- 本规定自7月1日起生效。The rule takes effect as of July1.
- 不请自来come without invitation