- 昔日风度翩翩、容光焕发的经纪人,今天变成了衣衫褛褴,蓬头垢面的人。The once dapper, cheerful agent had become seedy looking and bitter.
- 昔日风度翩翩、容光焕发的经纪人,今天变成了衣衫褛褴,蓬头垢面的人。The once dapper, cheerful agent had become seedy looking and bitter.
- 箪瓢屡空The Basket and gourd are frequently empty.-stark poverty
- 疏水箪瓢simple food and coarse utensils; be content with simple life
- 褛soiled
- 箪round basket for cooked rice
- 男人,女人,孩子,没有血色的面孔和褴褴褛褛的服装,有的看管着机器,有的在大道上行乞。Men, women, children, wan in their looks and ragged in attire, tended the engines, or begged upon the road.
- 瓢ladle
- 金褛Jinlou
- 箪空瓢屡The basket and gourd are frequently empty; stark poverty
- 褴ragged garments
- 抗火太空褛fire resistant tunic
- 褴鱼ragfish
- 箪食豆羹A small Basket of cooked rice ad a Bowl of Bean soup-valueless things
- 胶底救火太空褛rubberized fire tunic
- 一箪食with only a single dish of rice [very poor]
- 褴鱼科Icosteidae
- 褴试剂tachypleus amebocyte lysate (TAL)
- 箪食瓢饮live on a bowlful of rice and a ladleful of water
- 带备防晒太阳帽、雨具或风褛,以防天气突变。Bring along a sun cap, umbrella or wind-breaker in case the weather changes.