- 要打多长时间石膏?How long will the cast be on?
- 打多长时间?And how long?
- 一局打多长时间?How long does a game last?
- 一个回合打多长时间?How long does each round last?
- 您还要再打多长时间电话?How much longer will you be talking on the phone?
- 一场曲棍球赛打多长时间?How long does a hockey match last?
- 坐小轿车去车站要多长时间?How long does it take to go to the station by car?
- 乘船到那里去要花多长时间?How long will it take to go there by ship?
- 多长时间?For how long?
- 你手术后过了多长时间才痊愈?How long did it take you to recuperate completely from your operation?
- 您将在中国停留多长时间?How long do you expect to be stay in China?
- 狮子多长时间产一次仔?How often do lions breed?
- 这女孩伤心地哭了多长时间了?How long has this girl been sobbing her heart out?
- 税务局:在中国呆多长时间了?Tax official: How long have you been in china?
- 坐汽车从这里到东京要花多长时间?How long does it take from here to tokyo station by car?
- 你多长时间洗一次头?How often do you wash your hair?
- 他已任职多长时间了?How long has he held office?
- 你们旅行了多长时间?How long have you been travelling?
- 你每天看多长时间电视?How long do you watch TV every day?
- 冲洗胶卷需要多长时间?How long does it take to develop the film?