- 要跟我一起吃午餐吗?Would you like to join me for lunch?
- 您有空和我一起吃午餐吗?Do you have time for lunch with me?
- 我对你失去耐性了。你到底要不要跟我一起去?I'm at the end of my rope with you. Are you coming with me or not?
- 您有时间和我一起吃午餐吗?Would you have time for lunch with me?
- 关于朱莉娅,你有什么特别的话要跟我说吗?Is there anything special you want to tell me about Julia?
- 你要一起吃午餐吗?Will you like to have lunch together?
- 如果你想要跟我说话,请打电话给我。If you want to speak to me,please call me up.
- 不要跟我顶嘴!Don't talk back to me!
- 您能抽空吃午餐吗?Can you make time for lunch?
- 不要跟我说谎,我对你了如指掌。Don't tell me lies. I read you like a book.
- 您能找个时间吃午餐吗?Can you find the time for lunch?
- 你愿意跟我一起走,还是愿意呆在这里?Would you like to come with me or would you prefer to stay here?
- 谢谢你邀请我一起吃晚饭,约会日期早些到就好了。Thanks for inviting me to the dinner. I'm looking forward to it.
- 有没有人要跟我唱二重唱?Does anyone want to sing a duet with me ?
- 社长,我们可以停下来吃午餐吗?Can we stop to have lunch, monitor?
- 跟我一起来Too Little Too Late Come with me
- 你要跟我谈些什么事?That will you like to talk to me about?
- 有三位建筑工人在一起吃午餐,一位是美国人,一位是德国人,还有一位是爱尔兰人。There were three construction workers. One was American, one was German and one was Irish, and one day they had lunch together.
- (社长,我们可以停下来吃午餐吗?)Can we stop to have lunch, monitor?
- 嗯,我要跟你说点事。这儿的汽油可真贵。Well,I'll tell you something. Gas surely is expensive here.