- 请您帮我试一次,好吗?ASKING TO TRY ANOTHER TIME Could you try again for me, please?
- 打扰一下,我是聋哑人,我需要一个特殊服务。请您帮我填一下出境表格。Excuse me, I am a deaf mute, and I need a special service. Could you help me to fill out this emigration form?
- 夫人,劳您大驾,请您帮我照看这些箱子,只需两三分钟。我去一下卫生间。Excuse me, madam.Could you take care of these suitcases for me for a minute or two? I am going to the toilet.
- 键入的数值出现在一个消息框中,紧接着出现一个邀请,请您再试一次。A message box that displays the number you entered, followed by an invitation to try again, is displayed.
- 我去买车票时,请您帮我照看一下箱子。Please keep an eye on my suitcase while I go to buy my ticket.
- 再试一次Try again.
- 请您帮我洗餐具好吗?I don't suppose you could help me with the washing up?
- "晚安,小姐," 他又说了一次。 "我看你有烦恼的事!我真心希望事情会好转。""Good night, miss, " he said again. "I see you've got a trouble: and I'm sure I hope it'll turn out for the best."
- 再试一次!Try again!
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 请您帮一下忙好吗?May I request a favour of you?
- 再试一次。Try again.
- 可否请您帮我买双新鞋?Would you buy me a pair of shoes,please?
- 那一次的经历使我此生对露营再也不敢领教了。That experience soured me on camping for the rest of my life.
- 噢,我的灵魂在死去,它在哭泣,我试着去弄懂这些,请帮帮我。Oh my soul is dying, it's crying I'm trying to understand Please help me.
- "不,请给我一杯威士忌," 约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。"No, a whisky, please, " Johnny replied, for he wanted more than anything in the world to get drunk.
- 不为最初的失败而动摇,他决定再试一次。Undaunted by his first setback, he decided to try once more.
- 可否请您赏光同我跳舞?Can you oblige me with a dance?
- 这个工作听起来没什麽意思,可是我还是要去试一试。The job doesn't sound very exciting but I'll give it a whirl.
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