- 杰克,请把盐递给我好吗?Can you hand me the salt, jack?
- 在餐桌上,我们说"请把盐递给我",而不是自己伸手去拿。假如你们去美国,Out our arms to reach for it. So don't forget to say "please" whenever the situation requires it if you are in the United States.
- 请把盐递给我好吗?Will you reach me the salt? = Will you reach the salt over for me?
- 请把盐递给我reach me the salt
- 请把盐送过来好吗?Would you pass the salt please?
- 请把比重计递给我好吗?Can you pass me the spindle, please?
- 你能把盐递给我吗?Will you pass me the salt?
- 请把盐带给我好吗?Would you bring me the salt, please?
- 把你的决定告诉我好吗?Will you tell me your decision?
- 劳驾把门关上[把盐递给我]好吗?May I trouble you to shut the door [pass the salt]?
- 谢:好的!请把你们公司企业代码告诉我,我好把纳税登记表核对一下。X: Ok.Please tell me the taxpayer identity number of your company, so I can compare it to your registration, form.
- 麻烦您把盐递过来好吗?May I trouble you for the salt?
- 请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我).Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf.
- 麻烦你把胡椒递给我好吗?May I trouble you for the pepper?
- 是的,请把您的机票给我。手续已办好,请到售票窗口办理变更手续吧。Yes, let me have your ticket... OK, now please go to the ticketing counter to ask for a change.
- 麻烦您把盐递给我行吗?May I trouble you for the salt?
- 好了,我给你签证,你过关了,请把你的材料收好。今天下午4点你再到这里来取护照吧。OK, I give you the visa, YOU GET IT! Take back your documents, pls. You come back here to get you passport on 4 o'clock this afternoon.
- 请把取物牌给我好吗?May I have your tag, please?
- 请把盐递给我!Please pass me that salt!