- 谁会想到呢?Who'd have thought it?
- 谁会想到呢?Who'd have thought it?
- 谁会想到这种事呢?Whoever could have dreamed of such a thing?
- 不会unlikely
- 呢(question particle)
- 谁会想到居然有这种事!Who would have thought of such a thing!
- 以前怎么没人想到呢?How come nobody thought of that before?
- 谁会想到?Who could have ever thought?
- 科格纳克像所有小狗一样可爱。顷刻间我感到生活里又充满了爱意和温馨。我怎么就没早点想到呢?Like all puppies,Cognac was adorable; immediately I felt love and sweetness in my life again. Why hadn't I thought of this sooner?
- 谁会愿意为那个家伙辩解?Who would alibi for that guy?
- 我做梦也不会想到伤害你。I wouldn't dream of hurting you.
- 谁会想到你会做出这样的事。Who could have supposed you were going to do such a thing.
- 谁会花6美元买洗衣粉呢?Who's going to pay six bucks for laundry soap?
- 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢?How in the world do you expect me to know him?
- 谁会得想呢?Who'd have thought that, huh?
- 你自动么会想到要永远离开呢?How is it that you wish to leave for good?
- 钱不见了,谁会把它拿走呢?The money has disappeared! Who could have taken it?
- 谁也不会想到他会遭此祸殃,变成了瘫痪。No one had thought that he would meet such a disaster and become paralyzed.
- 究竟谁会干出这样的事来呢?Who under heaven would have done such a thing?
- 我们在座的每一个人谁也不会想到他会做出这样机智的回答。All of us were surpassed by his clever answer.