- 谁在主持这项业务?Who's running this show?
- 谁在主持这件事?Who is running the show?
- 逾期不予办理这项业务。The business can not be done when it is overdue.
- 那位老绅士,举止之斟酌,笑容之微妙,看来恰似在主持着一个外交会议。The old gentleman was as deliberate in his movements, and wore as subtle a smile, as though he were presiding over a diplomatic congress.
- 主持preside over
- 从出勤情况可以很快看出,谁在努力工作,谁在寻找理由混日子。People quickly become aware of who makes an effort to be there and who uses any excuse to miss a day.
- 这项业务是按前所未有的巨大规模来经营的。The business is conducted on a scale of unprecedented immensity.
- 谁在吹号角?Who is blowing the horn?
- 今晚演出的主持人是泰莉,她一直在主持一个颇受欢迎的周末电视访谈节目。Our hostfor tonight's show is Terry, who has been hostinga popular weekend TV talk show.
- 具体业务您可以和主管这项业务的王先生洽谈。You can talk the business over with Mr. Wang who is in charge of this line.
- 庙里的大师父正在主持法会。The Grand Master in the temple is chairing a meeting.
- 谁在争端中充当调解人?Who will act as mediator in the dispute.
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 主要业务primary service
- 主持的presidial
- 开展业务commence business
- 不管是谁whosoever
- 主持会议moderate
- 他向后看是谁在跟着他。He looked backwards to see who was following him.
- 优秀的播音员在主持节目时应字正腔圆。An excellent announcer should pronounce every word clearly when hosting a programme.