- 在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious.
- 成龙的神话,几经起伏跌宕,到今天终于定格于顶峰处。Jackie Chan's Myth experienced ups and downs, to finally fixed on the summit.
- 起伏跌宕、褒贬不一的接受史,新旧杂陈、雅俗共赏的艳异文风,大众和一些学者的追捧与热评,对后代作家的影响和对现代人日常生活的启示,共同造就了一个“说不尽的张爱玲”。The history of acceptance which is ups and downs, praised and censured, her artistic style which is mixed modern with traditional, elegant with popular, worship from populace, too much comment from some scholars, the influence on the later writers and the revelation to daily life of modern people have created "thought-provoking Eileen Cheung".