- 那么,今天的工作表上还有些什么?Now, what else is on the schedule today?
- 除了厩肥和堆肥外,还有些什么有机肥?"What are some of the organic fertilizers, besides barnyard manure and compost?"
- 脑电图的双频分析除了增加复杂性外还有些什么?Does bispectral analysis of the electroencephalogram add anything but complexity?
- 总统套房另外还有些什么设施呢?What extras come with a presidential suite?
- 还有些什么?What else do you have ?
- 还有些什么票?What seats are left?
- 我手中还有些钱.I still have somemoney in hand.
- 让我们看看今天菜单上有些什么菜。Let us see what is on the menu today.
- 我手头还有些钱。I still have some money in hand.
- 有些什么甜食?What kind of desserts do you have?
- 我腰里还有些钱。I've still got some money in my pocket.
- 有些什么吃的?What is there ?
- 你们有些什么汤?What soup do you have? What sort of soup is there?
- 还有些时候,你不知自己为何远离尘世如此之久。Jeremy: And, sometimes you wonder why you stayed away so long.
- 出了名有些什么感受?How does it feel to be famous?
- [谚]大损失中总还有些小利益;塞翁失马,焉知非福。No great loss without some small gain.
- 早餐有些什么?What is for breakfast?
- 今天你有些什么活动?What is the program for today?
- 还有些时候,服务员干脆就忘了拿茶叶袋,还必须被提醒。At other times he forgets completely to bring the tea bag and must be reminded.
- 你家里有些什么设施?What kind of facilities do you have at home?